For the students, the teacher is supposed to be a  proper role model. The Quran teacher has many more responsibilities than the normal teachers of any other subject. There is no room for error while teaching Quran, because being a Quran teacher you can’t make mistakes like any other teacher, such as coming unprepared for a lesson, ignoring students or even giving false answers to questions if the correct answer is unknown. If a simple teacher makes all of these mistakes he is to be held accountable for but being a Quran teacher, it is not anything like that.

The moral grooming of many children that learn the Quran solely depends on the Quran teacher. The responsibilities of the person that teaches simple spoken Arabic online or regular Quran or even Arabic language teacher are as same as the online Quran tutor & teacher.

Qualities of Quran teacher

There are a lot of qualities that must be present in teachers that teach the Quran in which one of the most important quality is to understand the subject matter very clearly. As mentioned before a Quran teacher cannot be unprepared for a lesson about the Quran as it can confuse the students. Another important quality to have is to be humble while being a Quran or even an Arabic teacher. There is no room for arrogance while possessing this level of knowledge and this knowledge should be used to guide people or do good deeds themselves, as the teaches are always a role model for people.

Quran teacher and Student Bond:

A strong bond between the Quran Teacher and the student is very important as it helps to teach Quran effectively and is essential for tutors to convey something. With a better bond, learning and teaching become fun and easy. For engaging the students, the Quran teacher can just show the reference of the Holy Quran or can also point out relevant surahs and ayats to engage the students while showing the Holy Quran.

to keep the students more attentive the Quran teacher can make things more interesting. For making the online Quran classes more fun and interactive the tutor can make up jokes or can add humor.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Teacher:

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught Islam to thousands of Muslims even though he did not know how to read or recite. The main reason why he was such an important and skilled tutor of Islam is that he had command over Islam and its principles, also he taught everyone with love and care.

In accordance with the Narration from Jabir ibn Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet(PBUH) said:

“Allah didn’t send me to make things hard for people in the hope that these people would make mistakes, rather Allah sent me was to teach and make things easy.”

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the best Quran teacher of Islam, there are countless sayings in the Holy Quran that confirm this. Towards his followers, he was a teacher who was kind and considerate. He would repeat everything thrice and would always listen to every one of them.

Must Read: The Holy Quran For Kids

Quran about the Prophet as a Teacher:

In the Holy Quran, it is said that: “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hopes is in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah often.”

On many occasions, teachers make a lot of mistakes. There can be various scenarios where the teacher can be unprepared for the lecture they are about to deliver. If the teacher does not know the answer he ignores the questions of the students. Wrong answers to the questions asked might be given as well. However, these things can be slightly overlooked in certain situations but there is no room for error when it comes to the teaching of the Holy Quran.

Rarely, it is understood by the Quran teaches that through the Holy Quran, the moral grooming of the students will be taught. For learning about Islam and its principles, the students are dependent upon the Quran Teacher and are such a way that the learning can be adopted by students in their daily lives.

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